Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 10 September 2024, 7:00pm - Thurrock Council committee meeting webcasts
Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 10th September 2024 at 7:00pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Agenda item :
2 Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 Declaration of Interests
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Agenda item :
5 Q&A Session: Annual Report of Thurrock's Community Safety Partnership
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Michael Dineen
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Fraser Massey (NPAIC)
Cllr Aaron Green (Lab)
Michael Dineen
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Tom Kelly (Cons)
Michael Dineen
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Aaron Green (Lab)
Michael Dineen
Cllr Aaron Green (Lab)
Michael Dineen
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Fraser Massey (NPAIC)
Michael Dineen
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Aaron Green (Lab)
Michael Dineen
Cllr Aaron Green (Lab)
Michael Dineen
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Fraser Massey (NPAIC)
Cllr Fraser Massey (NPAIC)
Michael Dineen
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Agenda item :
6 Section 106 Agreements and Financial Contributions - Proposed Governance
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Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Chief Planning Officer
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Tom Kelly (Cons)
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Cllr Tom Kelly (Cons)
Chief Planning Officer
Cllr Tom Kelly (Cons)
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Cllr Tom Kelly (Cons)
Chief Planning Officer
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Fraser Massey (NPAIC)
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Cllr Fraser Massey (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr David Day (Cons)
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Sue Hodgson
Chief Planning Officer
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Sue Hodgson
Chief Planning Officer
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Fraser Massey (NPAIC)
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Cllr Fraser Massey (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Cathy Sisterson (Lab)
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Fraser Massey (NPAIC)
Cllr Tom Kelly (Cons)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Agenda item :
7 Work Programme
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Lucy Smith
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Steve Liddiard (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Steve Liddiard (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Steve Liddiard (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Fraser Massey (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Lee Watson (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Steve Liddiard (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Aaron Green (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Lucy Smith
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Steve Liddiard (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Aaron Green (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Steve Liddiard (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Ryan Polston (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Fraser Massey (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Steve Liddiard (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Lucy Smith
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Steve Liddiard (Lab)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Cllr Gary Byrne (NPAIC)
Webcast Finished
- COMMITTEE administration July 2024 (2), opens in new tab
- DRAFT Minutes - Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 16 July 2024, opens in new tab
- Annual Report of Thurrck's Community Safety Partnership, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Annual Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 - Strategic assessment 2023 Executive Summary, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 - Delivery Plan, opens in new tab
- Section 106 Agreements and Financial Contributions - Proposed Governance, opens in new tab
- Place O&S 2024-25 Work Programme, opens in new tab